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/ Progressive Music - Discography & Price Guide / Progressive Music - Discography & Price Guide.iso / 35340.bmp (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1999-12-02  |  98KB  |  350x275  |  8-bit (142 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | lp | person | poster
OCR: jon anderson Preperation for the songs .HurTy Hort Can't Beln .AL IWare ls You .5 t.The Meaning afYaur Low S jusr Say We'ra chilecen 5.Takr Take M 7.Tak 11 Love AClb 8.Takue Me. Takr My Love Instrunental Canlc Be 14. Love Yau 11.Punca Este CarYou FeclMy Love Jassica Strawberry Wire flrptrusne unreleaso demos ILI-7HICHLAND PIPASHICHLIND IICHLAND Hury Hone Belive IWanc children bTake enstrumental jassic Sprawberry Wine tirpstrsnenal unreleaspe 1986 CI9HICHLAND